You are a young, ambitious entrepreneur with a fantastic track record. A group of Angel Investors have gathered to listen to your next big idea. Develop a business proposal to pitch to your potential investors.
Competition Process

The 90-second Pitch
Teams record a 90-second pitch of their business idea

Testing Your Idea

Teams develop their MVP and devise a way to test their product or service

Marketing Your Idea
Teams develop a market entry strategy for their product or service

Teams record their overall business pitch to present to potential investors

Final round

Top 5 teams present directly to group of investors and startup judge panel
We realize entrepreneurs are everywhere

High school
International high school
Overseas high school
Science high school
All locations
Any university student
All grade levels
Any major
All locations
Internship seekers
First-year analysts
Any profession
All locations
Assemble your team

The developer putting the final service or product to life

The businessman (usually the CEO) building strong relationships

The marketer that sees the product through consumers' eyes
One Competition, Many Perks

CEO Workshops
We invite startup CEOs to give workshops on developing initial ideas into products and services
Performance-based certificates awarded to every participant, and CEO recommendations given to top teams
Exclusive professional opportunities
Discount on all ChallengeU programs